Things to Consider After Teeth Whitening

Things to Consider After Teeth Whitening - Dentist Funda Özen

Having your teeth professionally whitened is a highly effective procedure to design your smile and boost your self-confidence. Teeth are particularly susceptible to discolouration and stains immediately after whitening. Therefore, there are some important factors to consider after teeth whitening, especially in the first 48 hours.

It is important to take proper care of your teeth in order to minimise sensitivity, prevent damage and maintain their whiteness for a long time. In fact, the teeth whitening procedure may require you to make some temporary changes in your diet.

Who Can Choose Teeth Whitening Treatment?

The treatment is preferred by people who want to correct stains and discolouration on their teeth. Generally, it can be said to be effective for longer than home or over-the-counter teeth whitening products.

Side Effects After Teeth Whitening

Some side effects may occur after professional teeth whitening treatment. Toothache, tooth sensitivity, gum irritation and uneven whitening following the procedure can be some of the side effects after teeth whitening.

  • Tooth Sensitivity and/or Toothache: Some people may experience increased tooth sensitivity, especially when very hot or cold foods are consumed. Sensitivity is usually expected to decrease within a few days. Your dentist may also recommend special toothpastes that can help reduce your sensitivity.
  • Gum Irritation: Since teeth whitening requires the use of bleaching agents, gum irritation may occur.
  • Uneven Whitening: For those with fillings, crowns or bridges on their teeth, the procedure may result in uneven whitening. In such a case, your dentist will prepare a special plan for you to achieve the desired results, taking into account the overall health of your teeth.

Tooth sensitivity, pain and gum irritation usually resolve spontaneously within 2 or 3 days. However, if the symptoms persist for longer, it may be worth contacting your dentist.

What Should Be Considered Within 48 Hours Following Whitening?

Care is of great importance after teeth whitening treatments used to eliminate aesthetic and stains on the tooth surface. It can be said that 48 hours after bleaching is a critical period to maintain the health and brightness of the teeth.

The substances used in whitening are specially formulated to break down and remove stains on the surface of the teeth. It penetrates the pores on the tooth enamel and opens the pores. Thus, the tooth enamel can absorb the bleaching agent more quickly and the stains can be removed more effectively.

  • Following the treatment, the pores are expected to close slowly in the first 48 hours. However, during this time the teeth become more sensitive to stains from food and drinks. It is therefore important to avoid dark-coloured foods and drinks for at least the first 48 hours. Avoiding stain-causing foods such as strawberries, coffee, tea and tomatoes can help the results last longer.
  • It is important to avoid highly acidic foods. Fermented fruits and vegetables, vinegar and citrus fruits can increase the sensitivity of the teeth. Therefore, avoiding such foods can support the positive results of the whitening process.
  • It takes 48 hours for the pores to close completely. However, in order to maximise and maintain the effects of teeth whitening for a long time, it is important to maintain your attention and care for oral dental health for a week.

How Should Dental Care Be After Teeth Whitening?

It is important to maintain your oral hygiene routine after teeth whitening. In addition to daily dental care, you may need to follow some instructions after teeth whitening. The recommended dental care routine to be followed after teeth whitening can be listed as follows:

Maintain Daily Tooth Brushing and Flossing

You can easily protect your oral health by continuing daily brushing and flossing after teeth whitening. It may be possible to maintain your teeth whitening results for a long time by getting into the habit of brushing and flossing twice a day.

If You Experience Sensitivity!

It is possible to experience sensitivity after the application. In this case, it may be useful to use an anti-sensitivity toothpaste or gel. The products recommended by your dentist help reduce the sensitivity of your teeth. These products can also be used as part of your dental care routine.

Prefer White Toothpastes and Mouthwashes

Avoiding coloured toothpastes and mouthwashes will help you maintain the whiteness of your teeth for longer.

Pay Attention to Mouth Rinse

Mouth rinsing with water can be effective in removing food or drink residues that can stain your teeth. Especially when you consume something that can cause stains, you can try rinsing your mouth with water to support your dental health.

Do Not Brush Your Teeth Immediately After Eating

It is important to wait 30 minutes after eating instead of brushing your teeth immediately. Especially if you have consumed acidic or sugary foods, these foods can weaken the tooth enamel for a while. For this reason, it is recommended to wait as brushing or flossing immediately may damage your tooth enamel.

You can protect the health of your teeth by paying attention to your oral and dental health after teeth whitening, and you can experience your results after whitening for a long time.