Antalya Smile Design

Smile Design

Smile design is a branch of dentistry that can help you achieve your smile goals with a design developed specifically for you and the work to be done based on this design. In all stages of smile design, which we can express as digitally assisted applications of dental aesthetics, the specialist dentist and the person work together and in this way, it can be seen in the computer environment how the teeth will be before the smile design is completed. With the Antalya smile design, changes can be made to the existing design and a unique design specific to the person is created.

What is Smile Design?

Smile design, which has become an important branch of aesthetic dentistry in Turkey and Europe, includes design studies and applications to achieve the targeted smile in a digital design environment after the completion of the necessary dental treatments.

In smile aesthetics, which is a dental treatment that allows you to achieve a natural smile that is compatible with your face, different methods are used depending on the placement of your teeth for treatment. Your teeth are important elements that determine the beauty of your smile. For this reason, you should have your oral and dental health checked before starting smile design. Other factors that affect your smile include face shape, skin color, facial movements, gums, and tooth colors. Antalya smile design takes these factors into consideration and offers you a healthy and aesthetic smile.

How is Smile Design Done?

Smile design is a dental treatment that allows you to gain a smile that suits your face and looks natural. For this treatment, different treatment methods are used depending on the patient's dental condition. Your teeth are one of the main factors that determine the aesthetics of your smile. Therefore, before starting smile design, your oral and dental health should be checked and you should have healthy teeth. Other elements that shape your smile include your facial structure, skin tone, facial movements, gums, and tooth colors. With smile design, these elements are taken into consideration and you are given an aesthetic and healthy smile. We can list the treatment process and applications frequently used in aesthetic dentistry as follows:

  • Adjusting tooth lengths and creating the smile line (the smile line is created in advance with computer-aided design)
  • Application of treatment methods such as bonding or orthodontic applications for cases with gaps between teeth
  • Periodontology treatments for gum disease or recession
  • Whitening of tooth colors Zirconium, laminated, or porcelain tooth veneer applications
  • Orthodontic applications for crooked teeth
  • Aesthetic filling and endodontic treatment for broken or decayed teeth
  • Other treatments and applications according to your different needs and expectations

Analysis and Evaluation of Your Smile

After the initial consultation, the specialist dentist will analyze and evaluate your smile. At this stage, many factors such as the shape, size, color, symmetry, and alignment of your teeth are taken into consideration and your smile is arranged in a balanced and harmonious way to ensure harmony between your teeth, gums, and facial features. Computer-aided design creates a digital sketch of how your smile will change. Through the computer program, you can change the shape and color of your

teeth and get a visual representation of the possible result. This technology allows you to have a say in the design of your smile and make informed choices about your smile transformation.

During the entire evaluation process, working models are prepared by taking molds or impressions of your teeth. The prepared models contribute to the planning and implementation of your smile design procedures. In addition, by examining these models, existing problems in your teeth can be detected and a customized treatment plan can be prepared for you.

Digital Smile Design Technology

Digital smile design technology is revolutionizing aesthetic dentistry. Combined with your doctor's artistic spirit, this technology allows your smile design to be accurately planned and visualized. Thanks to digital smile design, you can realistically see how your smile will look like before you start any treatment.

This process starts by taking high-resolution photos of your face and smile from different angles. These photos are then transferred to a computer program to make a digital sketch of your desired smile. With the program, you can achieve a natural result by taking into account the proportions of your teeth, the appearance of your gums, and the symmetry of your face.

Smile Design Aesthetic Applications

Aesthetic applications of smile design include various smile design procedures to beautify your smile and protect your dental health. These procedures are carefully performed using the latest methods and quality materials, ensuring durable and aesthetic results. Smile design prices may vary depending on the procedures you choose and your needs. Let's take a look at the smile design procedures:

Braces and Transparent Aligners

These are treatments that straighten crooked or misaligned teeth using tools such as braces or transparent aligners. Your specialist will offer different orthodontic options, such as traditional braces or Invisalign, to make your smile straight and harmonious. Such treatments gradually move your teeth towards the position you want, both directing them towards an aesthetic process and improving your oral health.

Dental Implants

Dental implants, a procedure that offers a permanent and fixed solution to replace missing teeth, are artificial tooth roots and teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. From implant placement to the final prosthesis, all procedures are included in the smile design. With dental implants, you can restore your smile, your self-confidence, and the comfort of eating and speaking.

Dental Veneers

Thin, custom-made veneers applied to the front surfaces of your teeth are one of the most common dental aesthetic procedures. Dental veneers can give your teeth a new shape, color, and alignment, creating a perfect, symmetrical smile. They also offer a natural and flawless smile. Veneers also solve many cosmetic dental problems such as broken or decayed teeth, gaps, and misaligned teeth.

Zirconium Dental Veneers

Zirconium, a white alloy used in dentistry for aesthetic purposes, can replace traditional porcelain bridges and dentures, which are gray metal. Among the reasons for choosing zirconium veneers are the following:

Strength: Unlike metals, zirconium does not bend and can withstand the forces of chewing. Surface cracks (chipping) that occur in metal-supported porcelain crowns are not seen in zirconium. Zirconium veneers are stronger, harder, and more durable than other materials such as glass ceramics and dental composites. This prevents damage, breakage, and loss of the underlying teeth.

Aesthetics: Zirconium dental veneers reflect the appearance of natural teeth thanks to their light transmission. It fully reflects light like the enamel of healthy teeth. As with metal-supported porcelain veneers, zirconium does not create a dull and artificial appearance on the teeth.

Zirconium tooth crowns can be made in two ways: Substructure zirconium and full contour zirconium. Substructure zirconium is more suitable for long bridges, while full contour zirconium is more suitable for single teeth or short bridges.

Laminate Veneer

Leaf porcelain, one of the Antalya smile design applications, is a thin and transparent porcelain layer bonded to the front surface of the teeth. It is an aesthetic method used to eliminate the color, shape, and alignment disorders of the teeth and preferred by many of our patients. Leaf porcelain preserves the natural appearance and function of teeth. It is prepared with very little abrasion to the teeth and lasts a long time with simple maintenance measures. It is an ideal choice for people who have problems with tooth surfaces and want to have a more beautiful smile.

It can be applied to anyone over 18 years of age, without the habit of clenching teeth and psychological disorders. You can give your aesthetically dissatisfied teeth the look you want with leaf porcelain. It is one of the most popular and effective methods of cosmetic dentistry.

Tooth Whitening

Teeth whitening, a procedure that easily and effectively improves the appearance of your smile, offers safe, effective, and customized teeth whitening. With teeth whitening, you can get rid of stains and discolorations caused by the color of your teeth and gain a brighter and younger smile.

Antalya Smile Design Prices 2024

After the preliminary examination, your specialist dentist will provide detailed information about Antalya smile design prices. During this information, which methods will be applied, possible results, the effect on the design and all the issues you are curious about will be discussed. Our dentists, who are experts in computer-aided dental aesthetics, have the technology, knowledge, and experience necessary to restore your smile to its most natural and ideal form.

Smile Design FAQ

How to Achieve a "Hollywood Smile" in Smile Design?

Hollywood smile, one of the most demanded aesthetic trends in smile design, is characterized by white, straight and symmetrical teeth. This iconic smile can be achieved with digital technology and special coating methods. Adopting a personalized approach by taking into account the facial structure and dental features of the individual is extremely important for the smile design to be successful.

What is Leaf Porcelain and Who is it Suitable for?

Leaf porcelain application, which is a method that provides aesthetic corrections by bonding a thin layer of porcelain to the front surface of the teeth, is suitable for anyone who has a well-established mouth and jaw structure, does not have a habit of clenching teeth and does not experience psychological discomfort. By preserving the natural appearance and function of the teeth, it provides the correction of aesthetically unsatisfactory teeth. It is very popular because it is a fast and effective
treatment method.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work and Who Is It Recommended For?

Teeth whitening, an effective procedure used to get rid of tooth discoloration and achieve a brighter smile, is a safe and customizable application. It is generally recommended for people who are unhappy with their smile due to discoloration or stains. Teeth whitening is performed under the guidance of a specialist doctor, preserving the tooth structure.

What are dental implants and what are their advantages?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots and teeth that offer a permanent and fixed solution to replace lost teeth. This procedure allows the smile to be restored with artificial teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. Advantages include natural appearance, longevity, increased chewing power and comfortable speech.

What are the Dental Veneer Methods Used in Smile Design and Their Differences?

Dental veneering methods used in smile design include leaf dental veneers, zirconium dental veneers and dental crowns. A dental veneer is a thin and transparent porcelain layer. Zirconium dental veneers offer aesthetic and durability advantages. Dental veneers create an aesthetic smile by correcting the shape, color and alignment of the teeth.